"Specialist with Spirit" Professional Development Series
- Destiny (Yellow) A sense of destiny illuminates that path ahead. Often, discussions about destiny focus on dreams and desires that inspire us to refine our skills. But dreams change, expand and are sometimes delayed or denied. You can’t always get what you want. Destiny is both what you want from life and what life gives you. How do you manage the circumstances that fate has handed you? What are the essential next steps on your journey? The Specialist with Spirit™ series offers tools to help you discover your strengths, make sense of your circumstances, and to establish goals to progress.
- Duty (Blue) To what and whom are we willing to be ‘true blue’? Specialists with Spirit™ have a duty to themselves, others and society. As employees, they also have a duty to serve their work, the organization and its customers. Likewise, the organization and its leaders have obligations to employees and society. Which duties are being fulfilled? Where are the lapses that require more attention? Which duties are overwhelming or unreasonable? The Specialist with Spirit™ series provides a framework to examine and reconcile multiple and often competing duties that may or may not be vital to your calling.
- Disposition (Red) Disposition is at the heart of a calling. Disposition is the character that shapes us and coping skills that shape our responses to circumstances. The Specialists with Spirit™ framework recognizes that some character strengths are essential for everyone to live their calling, while others are needed for your particular destiny (e.g., leadership). In addition, everyone’s character has light and shadow aspects that, ideally, evolve with experience. While some shadow traits may be latent strengths, others remain silhouettes that remind us that we are human, imperfectly pursuing a worthwhile calling. So we need effective skills to cope with that and other realities. The Specialist with Spirit™ series suggests techniques to identify and develop your essential character traits, as well as tools to cope with delayed dreams, multiple duties, growth challenges and seizing new opportunities.
- Reflection (Gray) Reflection is a restful, enduring activity along the path of your calling. It entails creating quiet time to consider connections and perspectives that are influencing us (for better or worse), drawing upon inner and outer resources to adapt, and learning how to better integrate the core dimensions of our calling. Reflection also means creating space to rest, relax and just to be. The Specialist with Spirit™ series offers exercises and tools for guided reflection so that you are energized for action, can chart your course and recommit to your calling.
The Specialist with Spirit™ series provides insights and instructions about how all of these elements combine to enrich your unique journey and contributions, regardless of your age, occupation or status in an organization. It is an invaluable resource for individuals, leaders, teams and organizations that want to improve their results by elevating the character, climate and quality of work (and life).